Baby Care and Parenting Information. Discover our products for newborn, baby, toddler and get rewards by joining Pampers loyalty program.
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We understand that little ones come in all different shapes and sizes. We measure thousands of babies’ legs, bottoms and waists to try to provide for as many little ones as possible, and it’s so important to choose a diaper that best suits your baby’s individual needs. Of course, you know your baby better than anyone, and we’re happy to share some tips to help you make your decision.
We're so glad that you'd like your little one to represent Pampers!
The babies in our ads are selected by the advertising agencies we use. If you would like your child to be in an advertisement, we'd recommend getting in touch with a nearby modeling or talent agency.
Advertising firms and department stores generally contact these agencies when they need people to appear in ads, so they're always the best place to start.
The babies in our ads are selected by the advertising agencies we use. If you would like your child to be in an advertisement, we'd recommend getting in touch with a nearby modeling or talent agency.
Advertising firms and department stores generally contact these agencies when they need people to appear in ads, so they're always the best place to start.
All of the materials in Pampers diapers are carefully selected and thoroughly evaluated for safety and skin compatibility, by our own scientists and by external pediatricians, pediatric dermatologist and safety experts.
For more information, you can use SmartLabel™ to access ingredient information for many P&G brands. This is a site that provides digital access to more detailed product information than is possible to fit on a package label. It is quick and easy to use, and the information comes directly from us in real-time.
For more information, you can use SmartLabel™ to access ingredient information for many P&G brands. This is a site that provides digital access to more detailed product information than is possible to fit on a package label. It is quick and easy to use, and the information comes directly from us in real-time.